J-Jireh stands for Jehovah Jireh, meaning “God will Provide”.  It’s aim is to furnish quality education in the Christian context with the aim of improving the economic and living conditions of the indigenous people of Western Mindanao, especially the Tausog, Sama, and other tribal groups in the area.

Starting with fifty-two Sama children and one Christian child, the school has since produced graduates in the intermediate and secondary level resulting to better harmony between the people in the area. The provision of quality education to people of other faiths in the locality alleviates the problem of integration of the tribal people with the majority Christian population as a whole.


To be the leading institution in providing wholesome education for the mind, heart, body and soul of the indigenous people in Western Mindanao working for social justice, peace and environmental stewardship.


As a dedicated Christian Learning Community it commits itself to:

  1. Provide the holistic formation of pupils and students through academic and non-academic programs, activities and endeavors,
  2. Create opportunities and learning experiences where pupils and students demonstrate stewardship on nature and “healthy commons” servant leadership as members of the community,
  3. Instill the value of communicating effectively and manages communication breakdown among those they communicate to build relationship to the fullest.
Core Values


The condition, or characteristic of being fair, truthful, sincere and morally upright.


The ability to identify with and understand somebody else’s feelings or difficulties.


A feeling or attitude of admiration and deference toward somebody.


The state, or position of being accountable to somebody or for something.


Steady and continued action or belief, usually over a long period and especially despite difficulties or setbacks.


J-Jireh Yellow Beach School was founded in 1966 with an enrollment of fifty-two Sama children and one Christian child at the Army installation in Lower Calarian. That same year, the Board of Trustees was also organized with the following members: President: Edgar Yeo, Vice-President: Mr. Simeon Tiu, Secretary: Mrs. Estefania Nuval, Treasurer: Mrs. Rebecca Tiu, Members: Engr. and Mrs. Dave Hunter, Mrs. Helen Wood, Dr. Esteban Marasigan, Mrs. Montojo, and Rev. and Mrs. Bernardo C. Balayo.

                The first Kindergarten teachers from 1966-1972 were: Misses Grace Ohon, Matilde Rondovio, Edna Blancaflor and Carolina Cabrido. Miss Elena Sagun came as Grade I teacher in 1973. Miss Leona Carnate came in 1974, as Grade II Teacher. The Board members never dreamed of opening the Elementary Department but only to give the Samal Kids free education with objective to let the child have the opportunity to really know how to fear God, to love and respect their parents and elders and to learn the 3 R’s.

In 1973, the Navy needed the place so the Kindergarten (which has been in existence for 7 years) and houses along the seashore were evicted. The school and church were split into three places. The Sama members and the school were transferred to Mariki, most of the Visayans were transferred to Upper Calarian, which they later called Bagong Calarian and the Tausog and Zamboangueños were transferred to Suterville. Due to some circumstances, the school and church in Bagong Calarian were transferred to Malagutay and the church and school in Mariki were transferred to Lumbayao. The school and the church in Suterville, flourished.

In 1974, a Primary School was put up in Suterville, with Miss Pilar Dapitan as Teacher-In-charge. In 1975, Mrs. Eufemia Manzon became the first Principal. In 1976, the intermediate grade school was established. The first graduation for the elementary was held in 1978. In 1982, the PTA of Suterville clamored for a High School, resulting in the opening for first year. In 1983-84, the second year class was opened and in 1985, the third year class commenced. The school was given a permit to operate the fourth year class that same year.

                We thank God that in all it’s struggles, God was always providing for the school needs. Thus, the first chairman deemed it proper to change the name of the school from Yellow Beach Kindergarten School to J-Jireh School.

J-Jireh is a Hebrew word which means “God will Provide”. The first letter J stands for “Jehovah” (or God). The word Jireh means “provides”. 

The Kinder and Elementary were given Government recognition in 1973 and 1984 respectively while the High School was recognized in October, 1985. The Board of Trustees planned to raise the standard of education, and so, constructed the EDGAR CUA YEO MEMORIAL HALL, as the Library building, in memory of its first chairman. More volumes of books were added. In 1998, a concrete building to house the college department was put up. With a few members of the Board and a Kindergarten at the start, who would ever think of the possibility of putting up a complete Elementary and High School? The Lord God provided every need, such as buildings, teachers, salaries and instructional materials. To God be the Glory!