One of the guidance programs is the conduct of the yearly Retreat for all graduating class with this year’s theme: “Where God Speaks to Hearts and Transform Lives” with the  General Objectives: (1) To strengthen the values that can help them succeed in the future, (2) For the students to be able to map out their future dreams in life, career and relationships, and (3) Create commitment to themselves to do one small action every single day to develop the values they need to succeed which was held last March 14-15, 2020 before the declaration of the total lockdown for schools.  

It was an in-campus Retreat and all activities were done in the school’s covered court. The said retreat was facilitated and in partnership with TheShiftAvenue led by Ms. Angelica Victoria “AV” F. Bucu, She’s a Speaker. Trainer, Life Coach and an Entrepreneur. Ms. AV is a BS Psychology Graduate, who worked for Human Resource as Specialist in Recruitment and Orientation and later on became a trainer/facilitator designing programs and modules to develop and help transform clients’ skills and attitude towards work and life. Now specializing on transformative Coaching and talks on Financial Freedom and Unleashing Potentials. She incorporates philosophies and teachings of Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Brendon Buchard, Bo Sanchez, and Robert Kiyosaki among others in the designing and delivery of her programs.

Day 1 Morning – Expectation Settings and Vision Board Making

Day 1 Afternoon – Values Building Activities

Day 1 Evening -Reflecting Module

Day 2 Morning – Commitment Setting

It was indeed fun-filled, engaging, emotional and memorable moments for the students and parents as well as they were involved in the Closing program and Fellowship.